Parent and Volunteer Resources

Become a Volunteer

We offer many opportunities for parents and others in the community to volunteer in Lake schools.  The first step to becoming a volunteer is to have an application and background clearance on record. Visit our Volunteer Information Page for more details.

Student Accident Insurance

In an effort to provide a safe educational environment for all students and student athletes, the School Board of Lake County has purchased excess casualty insurance for all students. This product provides secondary coverage (in excess of personal health insurance plans) designed to offset out-of-pocket costs in the event of an injury. This coverage is in effect during school time and all school activities (with the exception of football). 

Learn more on our Student Accident Insurance Page.

Parents' Read-at-Home Plan for Student Success

Dear Parent,

You are your child’s first teacher and reading with your child is a proven way to promote early literacy.  Helping to make sure your child is reading on grade level by third grade is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him/her for the future. Over the course of your child’s day, he/she is reading, writing, thinking, talking and learning so many new things.  By reading with your child for 10 - 30 minutes per day, and making a few simple strategies a part of your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on your child’s success in school. 

We are happy to provide you with this Read-at-Home Plan, which includes resources and strategies to help your child become a more proficient reader!

Parent Consent for Health Care Services
As part of the new requirements of Florida Statutes, Section 1014, also known as the "Parents' Bill of Rights," parents must now provide written consent for school nurses to provide health care services to students who are minors.  A decision form is available through Skyward Family Access. Learn more about parent consent for health care services HERE.  Visit the Florida Department of Education website to learn more about parental rights in education. 

Challenged Materials Process
Parents and/or teachers or staff are encouraged to discuss concerns regarding classroom materials with their child's teacher and/or their school administrator. If the concern is not resolved, the parent, staff member or an individual who does not have a child who attends a Lake County School, may request a district level review as required by Florida Statute 1006.283 for "Challenged Materials." To request a district level review, please submit the "Challenged Materials" form in its entirety.  The form is available HERE. Visit the Florida Department of Education website to learn more about parental rights in education. 

LCS Reproductive Health & Disease Education
Pursuant to State law, the Lake County School Board must provide an evidence-based, medically-accurate comprehensive health education curriculum that includes state-required instruction in the concepts of reproductive health. In Lake County Schools, this required instruction for students occurs in Grade 5, Grades 6, 7, 8 and in high school using the School Board-approved, age-appropriate Reproductive Health Curriculum. Learn more HERE.  Visit the Florida Department of Education website to learn more about parental rights in education. 

No texting and driving in school zone

Every year, as students head back to school, we issue reminders to motorists to drive carefully:

  • Be alert and watch for children, especially near schools, bus stops school buses and in school parking lots;

  • Watch for and obey signals from school crossing guards;

  • Only drive or park in authorized areas to drop off or pick up children at school; and

  • Stop when approaching a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing and STOP arm extended.

We added a new reminder to the list a couple of years ago. No texting and driving. It's against the law. In fact, the law prohibits drivers from even holding a wireless device while in a designated school crossing, school zone or an active work zone with workers are present. So, if you’re near a school, please put down your phone.

Hands-free use, such as through a Bluetooth device, is still allowed.

Superintendent Diane Kornegay gives an introduction to the Code of Student Conduct and Policy Guide. See the full Code of Conduct at this link.